cnp/0.4 cnp/0.4 ok length=1608 modified=2021-02-05T08:27:25Z name=index.cnm time=2024-12-03T06:23:40Z type=text/cnm title util/vim-contnet content text fmt **vim-contnet** provides Vim syntax highlighting for CNP, CNM and CNMfmt embed image/png vim-contnet.png Example screenshot of vim-contnet text fmt **BUG:** Currently, the CNMfmt syntax highlighter assumes that formatting tags will come in LIFO order. Due to that, CNMfmt highlighting may be incorrect for some documents. section Installation text fmt Using @@ Pathogen@@: raw sh git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-contnet text fmt Using @@util/cn-fileserver vim-plug@@, in your vimrc/init.vim: raw sh Plug '' section Usage text fmt vim-contnet only provides a few sensible defaults for CNM and CNP files, as well as syntax highlighting for them. To add additional languages for nested syntax highlighting within ``raw`` CNM blocks, define ``g:cnm_raw_syntaxes_extra`` dictionary in your ``~/.vimrc``. For example, to add HTML syntax highlighting within ``raw text/html`` and ``raw html`` blocks: raw vim let g:cnm_raw_syntaxes_extra = {'text/html': 'html', 'html': 'html'} text fmt vim-contnet defines a default dictionary of raw languages that contain CNM, CNP and CNMfmt. It can be overriden by defining ``g:cnm_raw_syntaxes``. section Source text fmt The vim-contnet source code is available on @@ links /spec/ Specifications /doc/ Documents /draft/ Drafts /lib/ Libraries /util/ Tools and utilities site tool vim-contnet