cnp/0.4 cnp/0.4 ok length=978 modified=2021-03-04T17:26:30Z name=index.cnm time=2024-12-03T05:25:28Z type=text/cnm title util/cnp-req content text fmt **cnp-req** is a simple command-line utility for making CNP requests over TCP. section Installation text fmt cnp-req requires @@ Go 1.8 or later@@. Install it with: raw sh go install section Usage text pre cnp-req [OPTIONS] [URL] [PARAM=VALUE...] URL can be either a cnp:// URL or a CNP request intent. Options: -B BODY set request body to BODY -I only print the response header without the body -b read body data from stdin -i print the response header -r treat parameters as raw CNP-encoded parameters -v print the request header and body section Source text fmt The cnp-fmt source code is available on @@ links /spec/ Specifications /doc/ Documents /draft/ Drafts /lib/ Libraries /util/ Tools and utilities site tool cnp-req