title lib/cnm-go content text fmt **cnm-go** is provides CNM document parsing and composition as a library for the @@https://golang.org/ Go@@ programming language. Additionally, it provides **CNMfmt** parsing and composition as the ``contnet.org/lib/cnm-go/cnmfmt`` subpackage. For cnm-go to parse ``text fmt`` blocks as CNMfmt, this package must be imported so that the ``init()`` function can register the CNMfmt text content parser. For example: raw go import ( "contnet.org/lib/cnm-go" _ "contnet.org/lib/cnm-go/cnmfmt" ) section Installation text fmt cnm-go requires @@https://golang.org/dl/ Go 1.8 or later@@. Install it with: raw sh go install contnet.org/lib/cnm-go@latest section Usage text fmt See @@https://godoc.org/contnet.org/lib/cnm-go documentation@@. section Source text fmt The cnm-go source code is available on @@https://git.clsr.net/contnet/cnm-go@@ site lib cnm-go links /spec/ Specifications /doc/ Documents /draft/ Drafts /lib/ Libraries /util/ Tools and utilities